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Turn 9 - 90-100 secs. It's quiet.

More explosions on the left, but I'm well out of there. He's obviously not aware that I am, though. The central grunt spotted a couple of other grunts, and even managed to get a shot off - for almost no damage...

Looks like the sniper on the left is still in his regular hole, as a shot missed one of my retreating troops. I won't return fire though, as I'm not in position. I will try some snipers force-firing at the grunt in the forward pillbox though - he seems to have a pattern of dancing round the corner, and then to the middle

The commo is redecorating to remove cover, and slowly retreating - he'll need a reload soon.

The central grunt has done what he needed to, so I'll take a couple of snap-shots and back out of there

Score: 5-5


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