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Turn 8 - 80-90 secs - Great "Staged retreat".

One grunt does nothing like what test orders showed, and gets wiped by my own forced-fire commo shot. Mind, retreating was definitely the best policy, as the building on the left lit up with loads of grenade explosions

The forced-fire on the right was very nearly successful - he had a commo stood outside the building one square away from where the 2 sniper shots ripped through

Losing that grunt was irritating, because I was just setting up for a long-range battle of attrition - and with a one-point advantage, I could afford to sit back and let the snipers hunt. Now, it's all a bit close - plus I've lost rather a lot of grunts, so I may need to redistribute some from the right-hand group into the middle.

The lone grunt in the middle (I think) was undetected, so I'll push him further forward - would be nice to have an angle on the corridor of the building on the right, should SpaceDog try the same stunt again. In case he was spotted, I'll use a sniper to force-fire the window that his central 'nader would need to hit me

Otherwise, pull back further on the left, and I'll pull back on the right as well - not seen his right-hand side 'nader for a while, and I'm a bit concerned about that...

Score: 5-5


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