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Turn 10 100-110 secs - too quiet?

Nothing much going on. The grunt I was aiming at bunnied over to the building at the right, so none of the shots were even near. I saw another grunt entering the killzone on the right, so I suppose there's another assault building - two grunts, plus the commo, sniper, 'nader and medic I know are still over there.

Since I've actually pulled a lot of the troops back out of there, I can't get quite the same density of spamming as last time - but the grunt can go look, and the 'nader will try to hit the approach lines. The other 'nader will go into the middle somewhere, with a view to hitting that corridor

Still pulling back on the left - the explosions have stopped, so he must be running back for reload now

Score 5-5


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