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Turn 4 40-50 secs - My turn for a bit of luck

A forced-fire sniper shot though a window took out Spacedog's sniper at the top left - he should have ducked after taking his shot. His two other badly damaged grunts have also run back, leaving (I think) just 2 grunts at the building on the left - one who may have taken a sniper shot mid-corridor, as the shot stops one square short of the wall.
So, he's backing out of there - I'll press home my advantage by advancing a sniper and a couple of grunts, but not to within grenade range.
My grenadier on the left is now running low, so I'll drop a couple of grenades towards the doors of the hard-point in the middle of the building, in the grunt in there was thinking of joining the party, and scarper for reload - the other grenadier is coming up to replace him.

I've also seen a grunt close to my hardpoint on the right of the map - a snapshot missed by miles. I think it's time to start spamming the insides of that building, in case he's just prepared his assault team (or wants to sneak a grunt in). Force fire through the windows plus a couple of grenades at the end of the turn will make it rather uncomfortable for anyone thinking about it. I don't really expect him to assault that way - but grenades in there will ensure he's not even considering it.

This is when I can start thinking about where his base(s) might be. On the left, I reckon just next to the double doors outside the building I've been grenading. I'll lob a forced-fire shot from my advancing sniper through those double doors, in case he's running through there.
And I'd also guess either within the hardpoint at the bottom of the map, or (if he's brave) behind the bit of wall on the far right, next to where his commander started. If it's the latter then continued sniper shots through the window just above it will pay dividends.

Score: 2-1


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