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Turn 5 50-60 secs - So close...

Lots of fire came at my troops traversing to the left, but none hit. The grenade at the doors in the middle so nearly paid off - as it turns out the grunt was spotting for a grenadier, but his 'nader survived the point-blank explosion. Unfortunately, my 'nader got hit by a sniper during launch, and was then killed during retreat by return grenade fire - knocked over by a strong breeze. Got to think I was unlucky there
However, the force-fire from my sniper on the top left through the double-doors paid off nicely - killed something, and since there was a badly wounded grunt running that way, gotta assume it was him

The spamming on the right didn't entirely go according to plan - my 'nader almost taken out by a sniper from long range. I'll jink him back next turn for repair.

So, carry on with the original plan - spam on the right, and advance on the left. Gotta watch out for grenades on the left though - That badly damaged 'nader is in the central building somewhere...

Score: 3-3


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