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Turn 3 30-40 secs - Good and bad

I saw a badly damaged sniper scarper away from the inwards-facing window on the left, so one of the previous window shots has obviously hit home. Plus, the sniper and 2 grunts against the grunt in the middle has hit him. It also looks like one of his other grunts on the left has taken a hit - I think he must have been unlucky and stood between my top sniper and a window...
On the bad side, the dancing grunt took rather more fire than I was expecting, and went down to a single sniper shot from the bottom right. So, that's a sniper and commo at the bottom right then. First blood to Spacedog. He did set lots of grunts dancing aroung the hardpoints in the middle though - so those are nice and safe, as I'm not planning to go anywhere near enough for grunts to do damage at that range.

Also my grenades on the left didn't do quite as much damage as I'd hoped, and most of the walls are still standing.

I'll advance the grunts on the left, and hope to pick off one of the damaged grunts, under sniper cover who are alternating moves, force-fires through windows and opportunity fire

The grenadier will move forward a little, and try to drop a grenade or two at the corner of the building Spacedog started from on the left. Sniper fire from the right will hopefully drop the wall first, so the explosion should catch anyone at that top window - I saw a grunt there last turn

Long range sniper fire again through the windows on the left, plus one to the window at the bottom for good luck.
It looks like I'm getting good leverage on the far left of the map, so I'm going to slowly redeploy my troops into position to back up the assault

Score: 0-1


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