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Turn 2 20-30 secs - Contact

We have a lot of shots going off but nothing hits me. There are at least 4 grunts in the left-hand building, with two snipers in the windows - hopefully one of the shots through the window towards the right has hit that sniper. It looks like he has a similar gameplan, though probably more grunts and less grenadiers.

My sniper at the very top is going to take a couple of oppo shots at a grunt and then run, as he's behind some fragile cover - and I think his sniper will take it down next turn. In the mean time, the advanced grenade element, which I'm fairly sure he can't know about, will take down some cover so my snipers on the far right get some lines of fire - plus the spotter will try to finish off the grunt that the sniper is aiming for

I'll also dance a grunt about on the right, and see which of his units expose themselves. I'll try a couple of shots at his grenadier as well, but more in hope than expectation.

More sniper shots through windows as well - I'll concentrate on the building with all his grunts / snipers on the left.


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