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Ooops, my bad

I'd forgotten this was a 25 point game......

I'd counted up the units I knew about, got to 20 and thought "Well, thats it. I've got this wrapped up!"

I was very confident, until the moment the doors alongside my sentry opened up, and another AI, and a hunter came rolling through it. That sentry, predictably enough, is no more.

I like it when games take a turn like this. Its what LSN is all about. Just when you think you have things sewn up, you get surprised.

Last turn I'd retreated my Warper back to the regen to rearm. It took him out of the comfortable Military Walled area where the AI's cannot get, but at least its in a better position to mount a sustained attack on the AI area.

I also managed to finish off the MT, and the resulting explosion obliterated the XT over there. That area is now purged of the enemy, excluding the Scanner thats flitting about somewhere. I'm not too worried about that at the moment.

Anyway, the injured AI had tunnelled through the building wall, and was also approaching my doomed sentry. That means that my Saucer is in totally the wrong place for an attack, unless I want to come round the back. Thats not ideal as I dont want to get cutoff from my regens.

I'm bringing the forward saucer back to wher it was last turn, just inside the doorway in the side corridor. It can get a couple of shots off towards the AI's.

The warper is firing towards the area, and then moving to the other regen for rearming. I dont want that hunter to sneak up and keep shooting it in the back.

I'm also trying to Psyche each unit, to harm and blind. I'm moving the Psychers over ready for next turn, but the Psycher in the middle is getting moved to just inside the doorway. Thats so that if the hunter tries to get inside its compartment it will hopefully be blocked and will be forced to stay outside. If that does happen then next turn it will not be able to move and fire at that psycher, leaving it a nice stationary target for my other Psychers. If I dont block the doorway then it could just move a few squares then commence its attack, making it a tricky Psyche target.

Current score 13 - 1


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