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In the last turns message I taunted thegoblin by saying "Can you kill a few more of your troops with missiles before I blow your MT up?"

He happily obliged by catching a corner with his missile and taking out one of his XT's for me. Cheers, that saved my ammo!

I took out two of the three XT's heading in from the top of the map. Probably put a slight dent in the AI also. There is still another XT up there somewhere. Hopefully my Sentries can take care of it this turn. I have a few Psyches headed in that way too.

My Saucer is also going that way to help attack the AI.

My other saucer has made it back to base to refuel its armour.

The MT is now VERY low on health. My test orders show that a single Psyche is enough to finish it off, so thats what I'm going to try to do.

I'm moving troops round a little as there isnt much left on the right of the map. If I can keep the AI blind then it cannot attack me, so I'm moving the Psychers up that way.


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