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So far so good!

My forward saucer has uncovered a regen round the back of the metal walled room as I expected. It was empty, so the warper at the bottom had most likely teletported from it.

At the moment I think he has probably got 3 warpers, 3 regens and 2 sentries left.

I've seen one of the warpers at the bottom left corner, and sapped all its energy with a nice Saucer shot.

I'm going to leave that warper be, as its most likely going to teleport as soon as it flees back to the regen. I'm going to take 2 shots at the regen1, and then pull that saucer back to rearm as its down to 40/90 energy. A few nicely placed warps from Anduril will lead to the possible loss of the saucer, which I dont want at all! On its retreat I'm making sure I stop it before the full 10 seconds are up for all round vision.

I'm moving the second saucer in towards the first regen I spotted, and am also moving a warper in. I'm sending a warp off towards the wall hoping to blow a section away that I can use to drop more warps right onto the regen. I doubt I'll kill any troops but at least that will narrow down the possible danger zones for me.

My other warper is moving forwards a little, and sending a warp off towards the rear regen. Hopefully that, coupled with the saucers attack will mean I can finish that off withing a turn or two....

1 Only two shots as test orders show that that can be enough to destroy the regen. If its not enough then hopefully the incoming warps will finish it off.


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