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A good choice!

Boy, did I make the right move getting that saucer out of there!!

1 warp came from the centre passage, and exploded nearby (also damaging the regen) and 2 more came up from the left passage. If my saucer had remained to make a third shot on the regen it would have been toast. Thankfully I only needed two shots. That Saucer is now on its way back to safety although it only has 21 energy left. I also saw another warp ball heading for its current position, so I hope it can make it back to safety.

Judging from the frequency of the warps at the bottom he must have teleported both of the other warpers into that bottom regen. The one I could see didnt have enough energy for a warp1 . Since two warps arrived together thay must have been fired from two different warpers. The bad news for him is that my full saucer is poised right around the corner to make an attack, and my warper has just blown a nice hole in the wall to throw some warps through. What was really good from my point of view was that my wall busting warp didnt actually explode until this turn, meaning that Anduril will not know about the missing wall pieces. I hadnt actually intended it that way, but it worked out nicely for me :)

Halting my retreating saucer before the full 10 seconds were up was also a nice idea. It means that I was able to spot the two advancing sentries in the top centre. One looks wounded, so some of my earlier waprs must have hit home. the wounded one also looks like its out of energy, as it gets a shot off but then doesn't go into the attack pose like his bretheren. I'll send them a friendly warp to keep them company.

Current Score 9 - 0

1 Or so it appeared to me... It was in the middle of making an attack on the last turn when I hit it with a laserbolt, causing it to halt the attack....


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