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What has he got...?

I've just seen two sentries hiding out in the building at the top next to the main wall, and also spotted 1 regen with a Warper re-arming at it.

I think he probably has a regen behind the metal walled building, where he fired off some warps, and then teleported to the other one to regen.

I'm going to push the saucer further in to catch a glimpse of whats behind the building. I then want to pull it out to regen it, as its getting a bit low.

Meanwhile I'm moving the other saucers and warpers into position at the bottom of the map where the wall has been blown open. I want to send some warps in to the newly discovered regen.

The warper at the top of the map is going to send some shots in to the room the sentries were seen in.

By the way, I can now see the bodies from my initial warp attack at the bottom. It looks like there were 3 units of the same type, and 1 of another judging by the bodies left behind. Could it have been 3 psychers and a sentry? That would make up the correct number of points....


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