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A lucky escape!

The fancy footwork paid off! I managed to rebound the grenade, saving myself from huge harm, especially as another grenade shortly followed. Thankfully I had time to move most of my troops oput of the way and have got them back to the other regen.

I'm going to spend this turn healing up, and doing a few exploratory psyches to see what else is left out there.

I managed to get the sniper and medic up the top, but the commander got away, badly wounded though. The opening doorway I spotted seemed to only conceal 1 grunt, so the amount of firepower I dedicated to it might have been out to better use elsewhere... Still, a point is a point and my warper is ready to regen.

Speaking of points its now 11-1. I got the sniper and medic as mentioned above, and saw (and killed) 2 grunts I didnt know about. Assuming he has another HQ and a medic then that leaves a single FP unaccounted for. that means that he must only have two more grenaders. They are my main worry at the moment as Greys hate explosions.

I saw the grenader that did all the damage running down, away from the action. Looking at the deployment zones for this map there could possibly be a HQ in the far side of the room to the right of my regen. Its in the direction the grenader was running, has a door for entry on the far side and is certainly large enough to contain a HQ. So, I'm teleporting one of my Warpers over to take a pot shot and then continue rearming. I'm also moving over a sentry to get a look into the room after the warp has gone off.

My other units are healing up.


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