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Getting tricky

Bringing the other Guardian in worked, to a degree. It prolonged the amount of time I could stay in that location, but now I have 2 completely empty guardians, offering no protection. Whats worse is that I can see an incoming grenade, and I cannot bounce it back.

I've injured the Sniper/Commander/Medic grouping at the top, and was a bit unlucky not to score any sentry hits as that would have eliminated at least one of them. However, I dont think he is going to stay there as he will most likely expect me to warp the area again. I moved a lone sentry up to near them so I'm hoping I can use him to take some of them out and then fade back.

Now, about that grenade... I'm having to do a little fancy footwork with my warper. I'm hoping that by standing in the window at the correct tiem I can bounce it back out the way, and then get out of the blast areas inside the room. If it goes well it means that only the warper will take a little damge, if it doesnt then its going to go off right in the middle of my troops. That might be a game deciding grenade!

Soemthing I've just noticed.... Right at the end of the turn one of the nearby doors slides open. there MUST be someone on the otherside. Boy, am I glad I spotted that. Say hello to Mr Warpball!


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