« Hmm... Let's see now... | Nimzomitch | Turn Three »

Turn Two - Boomstick

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usAs expected, I've no premature detonation to give away what race he's playing.

If he's marines, grenades should be incoming as his deployment would have allowed postions that could easily get in place and launch near the end of the first turn. However, if he's mech, he'll know I'm spawn by now and prepare a nice defensive perimiter for me to try and break. (or launch well placed missles ... what fun!)

Perhaps he's spawn as well, and we're both blindly looking for each other, trying to decide how aggresive we can be ... the one race I don't expect is grey. We'll see if that assumption holds.
Good call. Also FWIW, a poll of 62 players on forum gives favorite races as Marines(24) Mechs(18) Greys(10) Spawn(5) - So Spawn may be still a second or third favorite, but it would seem that one is much less likely to face Spawn or Greys than they are Marines or Mechs.


At any rate, I'm not happy with how I deployed my queen. She's sorta stuck ... and I didn't need her to open the chain fence. The drones could have taken care of that. I'm moving her west to center her in the map.
For me, I would consider using her to eat the walls to get towards the enemy deployment. Unless I knew I need to hold her back, as 4 points not in the fray is 4 points not doing me any good.


The bag of exploding gas is going to move forward along the east. My spiker will make a hole for goo baller to move through so he can move a bit east and forward.

On the west side, I'll scout a bit with my buzzer. I want to get a quick look with a chance of not being spotted. Doubt it will happen, but I could get luckly and get the backside of one of his units.

The rest will dig in a bit more and wait the out the tense "what the hell is he" moments.

« Hmm... Let's see now... | Nimzomitch | Turn Three »

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