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Turn Three - Boomstick

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usWell, well. He's marines. Perhaps the games I watched during the research phase will be more appropriate than I'd thought.

The east bag of gas went up in a hail of laser light ... however, I'm really worried he didn't do much if any damage. A simple mistake ... I ran him behind a half wall instead of around. He blew right at the door and set off a chain reaction in the train car, but again, I worry that the marine units outside may not be hurt that badly, if at all.

Watching the movement in slow motion, I noticed shots directly east from three targets as well. Considering the timing and damage, I'll assign three grunts to the fire. Three more show up in the screenshot, two grunts and a sniper. This totals 7 force points out of a possible 25 FP. If he's consistent with the games I watched (now something I expect), this will be the majority of one attack squad. I can expect two more like this and an HQ.

I will assume split force, with three groups for my opponent. I'll engage the eastern most group with the majority of my forces and commit my queen to the engagement. All nearby drones will attack, moving a few meters, switching to halt on sight, attack at will.

Since my queen is moving in this direction, goo baller will spit at the middle passage between the two buildings. I expect a group to come this direction. Why? As mentioned, I think he'll have three groups of massed units. One will likely go center. The buzzer scout in the middle building did not spot any units during the movement phase, so I think they might try and tiptoe right down the street.
Don't think I would have been execting anyone to "come this direction" as Marines seldom move out to engage Spawn, esp while ahead on points, and with 24 fp of nastyness still out there, maybe just around the next corner. Plus, the Marines need to control the accessways at this point. Moving out to the area where that gooball was aimed would be pure suicide, as Spawn could approach them from 3 directions, and around nearby corners.


The goo baller will slow them down. However, before that lands, my second bag of gas will fill the passage and switch to halt on sight, attack at will halfway down the path. I don't want him to go merrily running right past his forces. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usOne spiker will move into position for ranged attack on the eastern front. The other two will move to cover my western flank. The buzzers in the west will fall back and wait to ambush marines rushing to the aid of their soon to be dying comrades. A few drones will fill out the group assigned to protect my western flank.
Don't need to worry about getting flanked by Marines methinks, what Boomstick needs is more "shock and awe." Moving in towards the center is what needed to happen with these guys. Convergence from all sides. As they stand on the Western front where all is quiet (boo, hiss, yeah I know bad punnage), they are at least 2 turns away from getting in on the action. That's a long time in this type of fight.


If things go well, I'll decimate the eastern group, my queen will devour the fallen, and eggs will soon hatch into more wee besties. If things go poorly ... which they might if his grunts are nice and accurate and wipe out my drones before I can down any, this could be over quick! :)

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