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Turn Seven - Boomstick

Oops. Sorry folks. I turned in the turn without capturing my orders in a screenshot. [no probs - you've done great so far! -Nim]

Well, things didn't go as planned. I forgot to turn off halt on sight on the buzzer. He didn't move after spotting something right at the start of the turn. Perhaps a medic that moved up near that window.

His grenades caught the retreating drone, but I sorta expected that. The queen survives and will come back to feed.
Careful here, she only has 13 hits left! Going around to the South towards where the Spiker died might have been a better plan - there's more cover from the guys who are gooed, and a veritable feeding frenzy with 9 fps of corpses nearby. Provided you can protect from or eliminate the threat from the window, and keep the other group gooed down.


The goo baller has another ball inbound that should keep 5 or 6fps tied up right around the corner.
The Spitter just sent Goo at the end of the turn (goes off at 1.3 seconds) and the two Goo Balls you shoot this turn go to the same spot?? A waste of Goo.


My egg turned into a drone ... sigh. I'll attack with the drones toward the window. The buzzer will distract in the first few seconds, then skirt the action to come up from behind if it survives. I still think I'm toast! :)
Still possible, but yes, you are in a tough spot here. His Medics are able to heal the goo damage (and each other), and that is going to mess things up.


« Turn 8 | Nimzomitch | Turn 9 »

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