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Turn Eight - Boomstick

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usOk, now I think I'm really toast. I didn't expect the walls would be blown out offering such a clear view coming through the building. Should have pulled back, regrouped, ate a few units and got a few bombs.
Too bad you were unable to get some Goo into that building, near the area with the doorway and window.


I'm going to try that now. The goo baller will keep at it. A few marines there are ready to die.
Except they keep healing. But they are using up ammo. If you had enough Goo, you could maybe wait them out, make them shoot at targets they're unlikely to hit, etc...but it would take a while.


There's a chance the queen will die. She's going to take at least one shot getting away, and in testing, she died one out of ten tries. If that goes ... well, we'll just see.You did spot that Grenadier in the building...? She needs to squirm the heck out of there asap.

I've moved the last healthy spiker to a position where it can fire on the trapped units, but not quite yet.
Good call - not too close though, or he will get all shot up. Since the 5 Marines are gooed in place, the Spiker can stand off at extreme range and have a decent chance of hitting someone.


I think he'll try to move through the buildings with free units in the next turn or two.

« Turn 9 | Nimzomitch | Turn Nine »

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