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192650: DibbleNGrub vs The Fiddler

192650: DibbleNGrub vs The Fiddler

Ooh, a league game. 20FP, and an HQ game.

We draw Village, and I'm in the woods.

This is going to be tricky - both defending the base and winning the game.
I've had a good game on here as marines, as all those trees can be carnage. However, I'm worried about any base(s) being visible to snipers from some range - and then it's just a matter of time.

Machina will probably have the same problems, unless I go for a quick out with 2 or 3 MT's firing into his (limited) deployment zones. It's possible, but a bit dirty

Greys are right out, I think, as they'd get toasted by 'naders over the trees or a spawn rush, and there isn't enough space to retreat to.

So, spawn it is. I'd have a queen anyway on 20FP, so this is no different from a normal deployment, and this has the advantage of a mobile base

Here's the plan. I'll have two forces. Team A, will take the top of the map, and use long range fire to strike at bases. For this, I'll need a queen - just the one queen, bit of a risk, but there's plenty of cover so I should be able to hide OK - and a bunch of spikers. He could deploy into a building nearby, so that's a priority to rush it - a buzzer and splatter should cover that, in case there's someone there. The fire-support team is rounded off with a drone, for chewing through trees and wallw without risking the queen.

Team B is the assault team. If he has mechs, I'll need to get in and goo them. If greys or marines, I need a believable threat so draw attention away from team A, who are going to do the real work. So, 4 drones, 2 splatters and 2 spitters.
Note that I'm not actually intending to use this lot to begin with - they're simply there to draw attention, and if things go well, they can charge in for the kill

That leaves 1 point - another buzzer as a scout, who can go roaming and looking for bases. Buzzers are almost impossible to hit when they're moving across fields of fire, so I'll be looking to keep him moving as much as possible.

Turn 1: 10-20 secs

Nothing seen on deployment, which is a bit of a relief, as I'd spot most things in the top building I'm concerned about. Team A will move to the top, chewing their way through. The buzzer will confirm there's nothing in that building, and end turn there with enough time for one bite should there be.

Team B will stay put - they're all behind walls, so should be safe for the moment.

And the scout buzzer will check out the buildings at the bottom right, from a safe range behind wire

Turn 2: 20-30 secs

Noone at the top, but he's advertised his presence at the bottom big-style, with 3 'nades going off at 6 seconds, and 2 later. Also saw 2 commos and a grunt, giving 13FP confirmed.

He's seen my scout buzzer, and probably one splatter sent out on spec

Assuming one base (I think I can see every other possible deployment zone) then I can guess the other 6FP as 2 medics, 1 sniper and 2 grunts.

There's a slight snag with my plan, in that the (I think) only possible place left for his base can't be hit from the top of the map, as there's buildings in the way. However, I can hit the door from mid-way down on the right, through two windows. So, I'll split the spikers, with two backing off to the left, and two carrying on to the right. Alternatively, the drone can do a bit of chewing to clear one building out

I'll charge the front splatter in, in case he hasn't been spotted. Even if he has, he should cause some panic as neither commo is in place for a shot, and I've not seen any grunts yet. Should he survive this turn I'll try to get him to take the front off the building I think the base is in.

Team B will back off a bit, and have a look at the damage his 'nades are causing. It's difficult to properly clear an area so that approaching spawn have no cover at all - and believe me, I've tried...
If they can get spotted, then so much the better

And the scout buzzer will run into his zone and have a better look at his deployment - I've timed the run so he shouldn't get shot by the commo. I could go for the 'nader, but don't think I'll get the kill in time.

Turn 3: 30-40 secs

Mistimed the buzzer, so he took a commo shot to the head. However, he did see 2 grunts and a medic. Also, the 'nades are flying - showing 4 'naders, and almost killing the splatter rushing in.

He took a bad bounce with one, but I don't think I'm going to be in a position to exploit the damage

Same thing again this turn - the splatter will try to get that 'nader, and my remaining buzzer will scout round the side to look for bases

Score: 0-1

Turn 4: 40-50 secs

The splatter goes off after more 'nades, and so nearly takes the grenadier with him - I could see the nader with the splatter, yet the 'nader survived...

Explosions are going off all round, so he's obviously going for some slum clearance. Which actually helps my plan, as the buildings are in the way of my spikers.

Also found 2 bases, so team A is going to have it's work cut out.

I'll pull all the spikers back together again, and get into position to spike the bottom base. The scout will do a bit of dodging and try to go round the back of the base, and I'll cut a bit of a route through the trees for team B to use

Score: 0-2

Turn 5: 50-60 secs
Still getting the spikers into position. He conveniently has some wounded troops in the firezone, so if they don't shift, they could take a hit as well.

Same as last turn - get Team A into position and begin firing, and Team B can feint to the left. And the drone in team A can cut a hole for the splatter, which is there as a land-mine in case the Fiddler tries to charge the spikers

Score: 0-2

Turn 6: 60-70 secs

Blast. He's got really good timing with his 'nades, and almost takes down my buzzer - only the time taken dodging leaves him alive. Plus, the drone in team A takes a commo shot and then dies from a distant blast. His body is just about recoverable, so I'll have a go - but the queen is miles away...

Team A are trying to get into good positions.
The spikers should start doing damage to his base this turn. I'll also feint with a splatter in team A, and run away next turn

Score: 0-3

Turn 7: 70-80 secs

Damaged his base to about 50%, and he's firing blind at my spikers, so he's wise to the strategy. Will carry on - all 4 spikers should be online this turn, so may be able to kill the base. I'll also drop some goo as a barrier to any charge on the spikers

I was bringing the buzzer back for recyc, but more inspired 'nade timing is about to take him out in a not-recoverable position

Score: 0-3

Turn 8: 80-90 secs

Test orders show the base dies early next turn, so I'll turn my attention to the other base. I'll also wander a spiker forward on HOS to see if I can't get some intel

My queen decided to go for a bizarre walk in front of the spikers, but escaped damage. I need another buzzer, so I'll recyc a goo spitter and see what I get

More feinting from Team B will hopefully keep some troops tied up

Score: 0-4

Turn 9: 90-100 secs

Lots more force-fire coming in at my spikers, but no damage yet - and a queen to hand should there be...
I've dropped goo in the approaches to the forest at the right, and he seems to be sitting back and blasting, to I'll try to recyc the drone body on the right.

I still need a buzzer, so will also recyc a perfectly good a goo spitter

Score: 0-5

Turn 10 100-110 secs

Got one hit in on the base, so it is possible... However, I'm running low on ammo for 2 spikers, so they'll die soon. On the good side, I hatched another spiker

I'll carry on blasting, and drop more goo in the approaches - he has to respond to the barrage

Score: 0-5

Turn 11 110-120 secs

The response is lots of 'nades in the forest at the bottom. I managed to get the body first, but the queen has taken a bit of a hit, which is always worying on an HQ game.

I'll rush in the splatter on the right - as I'm sure he'll be red-lining the spikers and queen this turn. The queen has to run, and Team B can break cover this turn and try to get to the base.

Score: 0-7

Turn 12: 120-130 secs

Woo - my first proper kill
The splatter took what I guess is 2 'naders, and badly damaged a commo and grunt.
From what I know, that leaves 2 'naders, a commo, grunt and 2 medics guarding the base

I can see the commo, and I know where the 'naders are. From the fire pattern, I suspect the medics are by the crates near the base.

On the bad side, I'm down to one spiker, and the queen is half-dead

So, the queen is running and the spiker will carry on, but on HOS in case I get to see the commo.
Team A will split, with 2 drones going round the back, one covering the approach of the splatter by charging the commo, and the top drone going round the building

Score: 5-10

Turn 13: 130-140 secs
Mistake on the drone charge there - should have kept them together. The two round the back got plastered, and the cover for the splatter will die soon. However, if the splatter can survive one commo shot, he should be at the door of the base. Where he will stop - hopefully cutting off access to ammo...

The last drone is going to polish off his assault team, who will surely be concentrating on my queen

He's also charging a 'nader forward, presumably to cut off my queen. I'll try and goo him, and double the queen back once the commo's out of action

Score: 5-12

Turn 14: 140-150 secs
Better. Took his commo on retreat, dodged any grenades, and got the splatter into position. I'll blow him immediately, as I can get 2 grunts that way as well - although test orders show it's not enough to kill the base - looks like the spiker will have to do that

The remaining drone will back off and go 'nader hunting

Score: 8-15

Turn 15: 150-160 secs
'nades are incoming near the queen, but not near enough. I'll double back for the bodies of the spikers - irritatingly, my best route I've just goo'd on a bad bounce

The spiker will get into a better position to hit the base

I've also hatched a splatter, who's immediately almost dead. He needs to run round out of 'nade range

Score: 10-15

Turn 16: 160-170 secs

One shot still needed on the base, and 2 spikes left! Plus, the drone has a lock on the 'nader, so will be able to get him next turn.
Thankfully, his commo hasn't put in an appearance again, as my queen is exposed and looking rough...

Munching and laying this turn, 2 spikes against the base, and try to not get my splatter killed

Turn 17: 170-180 secs

Got the nader, and the splatter is still alive - just
Eggs and run for the queen, and try to hunt the other 'nader

Score: 12-17

Turn 18: 180-190 secs

Chasing the 'nader, but nowhere near enough, so the drone needs to back away. The queen will go back into cover, and the splatter will take a route through cover to the edge

I've also hatched a new splatter, so he can charge on the right to draw fire

Turn 19: 190-200 secs

Shots incoming at the queen and the decoy splatter, but no damage
I've hatched another splatter (3! and I wanted a buzzer) and a drone. Everyone forward

Turn 20: 200-210 secs

The splatter blew up without much ado, but I'm in position on the base with a drone
Except, the drone will loop round, so that both drones and the splatter hit at the same time
The new splatter will charge in, to draw attention - but I don't expect it to do anything

Turn 21: 210-220
Looking good. Both drones are in position this turn, and the splatter within 5 secs will be close enough for the explosion to take out the base. Either should do it

Turn 22: 220-230 Boom
Tough base, this one. It took 3 bites, so I needed both drones - although the splatter was also in position....

Been a good game, with lots of tension.
I think I was very lucky - both on his deployment, as a single sniper would have killed me much earlier, and in him not following through his attack against the queen, as I got caught out in the open there

Lessons learned:
The general strategy worked - but would have been much harder if he hadn't obligingly cleared so much scenery away.

Timing of 'nades can be very effective

Don't shoot 'nades if you've got nothing to fire at - made it quite hard for me to know where he was

Don't underestimate the firepower of plain grunts / medics. They made short work of 2 drones...

And don't throw the buzzers away!



Nice commentary! I found the link in your game commentary on the wholegame archive. Happy hunting! --orkboi

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