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A blessed sentry

That sentry of mine has been smiled upon today.

I ordered it to chase the sniper, expecting the sniper to get psyched by one of my two attacks, and therefore blinded. Somehow the psyches both missed, leaving a completely unblinded sniper pointing its big gun at my sentry.
The first shot hit the sniper, but didn't kill it. the second shot missed. the third shot went off at the same time as the snipers. Luckily the sentry had a tiny amount of energy left, and managed to kill the sniper with that final shot. Its regen time for him!

I'm beginning my attack on the HQ this turn. I can get a warp off right at the end of this turn, which should allow me two full warps next turn before he is able to react at all. I'm hoping that will be enough to finish it off.


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