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Version 0.5 already!

For soemthing I only started yesterday I sure have had to make a lot of changes to it....

Anyway, Version 0.5 of the LSN Finished Game Status Hider(snappy title, eh..? Suggestions for a better one anyone?) will now allow you to view games that are waiting for your opponents moves.

You cant resubmit your orders as the server already has them. There is nothing stopping you from wasting your time replotting the orders, but the server will just throw them away, so don't bother.

Also, I've fixed a bug when viewing the game details pages for games that were not finished. The Message From Opponent box was getting hidden, which isnt conducive to witty banter. Also the bit that shows you the points on offer for a ongoing League game was getting corrupted.

Sorted now anyway. Get it from the usual place.


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