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Rockstar being Bullied for Bully

Press The Buttons has a nice article about the recent demonstration agsint Rockstar Games.

Apparently a bunch of people calling themselves 'Peaceoholics' have decided that they know best for all of humanity and are trying to prevent the release of Rockstars forthcoming, unfinished game "Bully".

Well, thank Christ that there is someone out there to stand up for me. It sure makes me feel nice that a bunch of people have decided that I cannot possibly make my own mind up and choose whether or not the game is suitable for me. Hopefully they will prevent me from ever buying an unsuitable game again. I only ask, Where were you when I bought Double Dragon on the C64? . Where were you when I was pondering buiying "Super Monkey Ball 2"?

Those two games have done far more to enrage me than any Rockstar game (with the possible exception of State Of Emergency, whic was just plain rubbish.

I hope these 'Peaceoholics' get met with the total derision that they deserve. I dont need you standing up for me, I'll make my own choices thank-you-very-much.


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