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Running out of time!

I have just over 2 days on my clock, and I'm away this weekend..... I really dont want to timeout on this game. I'll ask Fatboy if he wouldnt mind delaying his incoming turn for a few days.

Back to the game....

My sentry at the bottom stumbled across a Commander and Medic. I've almost killed the medic, and hope to do so this turn. I'm also trying to Psyche the Commander so that he cannot see my sentry and return fire.

I psyched a grenader on the left, and managed to injure it with a warp. I'm trying to get it again as I really need to keep tabs on where its going.

I've also psyched a grunt at the top that I need to keep tabs on. A warp might take care of it this turn.

I'm trying to keep my troops energy levels up, so I'm regening them as often as possible. I'm regenning the Guardian this turn, as by the end it will be full with the shields back up.


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