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Going well

Due to the way that LSN works Fatboy will not have got my message asking him to hold off on a turn until after the weekend. Hopefully he will. I really dont want to lose this game due to a timeout. However, since he knows he'll win if he sends another turn in over the weekend then maybe he'll do that to sneak a win. Lets hope not!

Anyway, my Sentry managed to finish off the medic AND the Commander (Thats 1 point well spent!) It did have the back up of the Psycher to blind a few troops nearby. The sentry is now heavily damaged though, so its running away sharpish.

It also managed to see another grenader and a couple of medics leaving the room in the bottom left. That area is about to get a warping.

At the top of the map is another Grunt, a medic and an injured Grenader. A few warps are heading in that direction also.

My outwars forces are getting worn out, so I'm going to try to pullback , either to the main regen, or so that their autoregen can top them up a little.


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