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Its Spawn Vs Spawn.

In hindsight I should really have taken the clue form my opponents name.....

I've seen a few buzzers and a drone also running towards the middle of the map.

In my experience Spawn Vs Spawn games often come down to who can eat the most corpses.. Ideally I want to draw his troops in towards my Queen.

I'm moving the Spikers into the nearby corridor, and opfiring up towards where the enemy was sighted. I'm pulling the furthest buzzer back, and getting it to eat the intervening door so that the Spikers can get shots off towards the enemy.

I'm posisitoning my remaining troops near other doors to start munching on anything that wonders in. I'll have to expect a splatter or two though.... so I need to try to get my Spitter into a decent defensive position. I'm getting it to fire into the main corridor, trying to block off the junction. I have lots of flying troops in there anyway so it shouldnt cause me a problem.


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