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Lets get this moving

I've delayed on this game for ages, whilst trying to get a few other writeups done (its amazing just how long they take....). you can see just how long I've delayed by checking out the posting dates in this category!

First things first, I'm getting my Queen to eat a few walls to make a hidden route for herself through towards the middle of the map.

I'm moving the drones up to sit inside one of the doble doorways. I want them near the centre when I find out what race I'm playing.

I'm moving the buzzers towards the middle also, leaving one with a glace out through one of the middle-bottom windows.

The Spikers are also moving up into better positions.

Dont really have much of a plan for this yet, its quite a small map, and my troops are quick so I should be able to adjust fairly rapidly depending on what comes back at me.....


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