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He is certinly trying to make up for the last game!

He has grenaded my central position, taking out the walls but not harming my unuts at all. I spotted a grenader running away towards the southeast.

I can also see a grenader running into the room my warps are about to go into. He must get a shot off as right at the end of the turn I see a grenade headed towards my top deployment zone, going pretty quick. I have to move my psycher and two sentries into the top room to get out the way of its blast. Luckily I know this room is clear as my snetries took out two grunts at the other end. However, I do know that the area behind that room isnt clear, and I spotted a couple more grunts int he very corner. I'm advancing those sentries with Halt On Sight orders, hoping that if they pop in I can get some shots off at them. to get my other sentries out of the way I am having to move them out into the open, but I hope to get a look around to see what else is about.

I'm sending more warps into the room with the grenader to finish him off, and I have advanced a Sentry next to that room to see whats over in his deployment zone.

It looks like Fatboy is playing tough, this is going to be a good game.


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