« Turn 4: 40-50 secs | Unfinished Games | turn 4 »

Turn 5: 50-60 secs - DibbleNgrub

More harmless explosions from the rightmost 2 'naders
So, this turn the rush starts - He seems to like launching at 7.5 secs so I'll try to dodge the probable inflight 'nades.

Charge in on the right, taking cover where I can. Following with a spitter to goo any marines out in the open next turn, and provide covering fire from the 2 spikers. If possible, I'll try to prioritise the 'naders, as they'll clear away bodies otherwise

My queen is still a long way from the action, which I'm not happy about - but she'll get there

The buzzers will get into position, gather intel and try to draw other fire - but keep away until the 'naders are running or out of commission. I'll group them for assasination runs later.

I'll gather the middle group, ready for a run - but not this turn.

« Turn 4: 40-50 secs | Unfinished Games | turn 4 »

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