« Turn Eleven (Game Over) | Nimzomitch

Turn 12 - Jaques

Game over I guess. I guessed the attack route of his correctly, and all his close combat forces got wiped out before they could be any more threat. All he has left anymore is one wounded spiker against most of my army. No one tried to sneak up from back, so I'd guess that's it.

The buzzer gave him away, one should be more careful with these! The decoy I suspected could have proven itself very effective here. Luckily I knew it right.

The critical turning point in this game happened about during the point when his queen layed her egg. His rush stopped at the location where team1 and 3 was, and that allowed me to mangle his guys better. Also, if the unit that would have hatched had been splatter, he would have been in much, much stronger position than he was when he got spiker.

The worst mistake of mine that put me in a little weak condition was that I forgot to put Eagle on red-red when I tried to knock down the walls off that strange booth and the first splatter emerged. If Eagle had responded at the threat rather than kept shooting at the wall, team2 would have recieved FAR less damage than they did now.

On the other hand, team2 was the team that survived the battle.

Ah well, I better gather the remaining corpses of my legends and try to revive them again back home.
Nicely played, Jaques! You controlled the limited pathways well, concentrated your firepower...nice use of terrain modification in the late-middle game to bring more firepower to bear.


To both of you - Thanks for the commenting and screenshotting!~ It's been a cool experience commenting on your game. You both put a lot of thought and spent some time writing, and hopefully others will find it all educational and entertaining.

Final word - Although I think Spawn might not have been the best choice on this map, I think that BoomStick's inexperience with Spawn shows a little in his deployment. He still could have won with them...I made the comment that another Spitter (or even two) would have been good, and we have found that a Splatter held in reserve would have been BAD NEWS for Jaques in the middle-game.

Well played guys - Take Care!


Jaques Cartier's side:

BoomStick's side:

« Turn Eleven (Game Over) | Nimzomitch

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