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LSN Web Interface Fixer 1.4

I've made a slight update to the Web Interface Fixer to include the new maps released over Christmas. You'll just need to redownload the newer version. It should install straight over the old version without any problems.



Wow! Nearly 3 years going on the LSNWIF!

I've noticed there's a few new maps that aren't being picked up. OK well I noticed ONE, but I figure there surely must be more(I just don't play that many games).

The one I noticed was Garden Hopper.

Would it be a difficult enhancement to put the linky-map thingy on the "Play Turn" page under Game Parameters?

Anyways, thanks for making the fixer - I know the original intent was to keep the "surprise" in "Surprise Ending" but personally I kind of liked knowing *before* watching the turn. That way it would be like unwrapping a christmas pressie if Won, (how did I win?!?) Or if Lost, one could just leave it and view it later, like cleaning a toilet.

What I really like about the fixer is the 'map-linky" thang, and the ability to tag games. Esp the tagging games, as I only play in comps, and it's good to know what game is what. I don't confuse my Cyborg25 with my Cyborg30 !


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