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And suddenly, it's over

Conceding. My clock is too low to mount a substantial comeback. Well played!

And just when my nerves were starting to allow me to enjoy it, and that's a nice 11 points for the league. Gotta say that SpaceDog was a hefty opponent, scaring me on several turns, and it was a good game - maybe we'll have a rematch sometime...

Lessons learned: (for 30 point games...)
Sniper duels - It's unlikely to kill with a single shot (though that happened twice in the game). So, double-up the sniper force fires through the windows, and concentrate on one area. This will have the added advantage of drilling a corridor through the building for short views of units for information.

Medics - Two medics can completely heal one unit a turn. So, pair the medics. Otherwise, you end up half-healing lots of units - I'd rather have one completely healed bloke and the other in hiding somewhere

Grunts - I'd deployed with too few grunts, and was badly running out of them by the end. If he'd closed on the left, the snipers would have been in big trouble.

Killzones - Take out cover to force your opponent into certain (obvious?) positions - and grenade them as he arrives. In this game, the killzone of the military buildings on the right chewed up at least 6 points

Download the game here


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