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191612 v nmaguire

Game 191612 v nmaguire

Second review - you can see the game at http://lsn.kicks-ass.org/lga/download/c50eb31b92fbc030a5ad8fff58713465/191612%20DibbleNGrub%20v%20Nmaguire.lsn

This is a King of the Castle match, against a new opponent - who's also an Elite player

Fortunately, it's on biohazard - which I have played once before.

Since this is a 15 point game, with no military buildings, I think I can safely discount Greys as a viable option.
However, machina, spawn and marines are all quite possible. As I don't know what nmaguire is likely to take, and I fancy a nice simple game after recent epics, I'm going for an assault marine loadout:
1 sniper, 2 grenade elements ('nader and grunt), 2 medics, a base and the rest (4) as grunts.
This should be ample to deal with a spawn rush, and a balanced mech setup. Might have trouble with a AI-heavy mech deployment, but I'll just have to hope he doesn't pick one

My general plan is going to be feint to the right, showing a couple of grunts - but push the grenade elements to the left, with lots of blow-through attacks. The obvious place for a base, should he have one, is going to be in the gap at the top - so positions that can 'nade this will be a preference.
The sniper will loiter in the middle and try to spot or pick off any stationary units. Initial deployment is such I can spread if there are MT's, or converge if there are spawn incoming

Turn 1: 10-20 secs

I've not seen anything on deployment, so ahead with the plan. The grunts on the right will go forward on ROS, and the grenade elements on the left will move forward a bit, with 'nades doing some demolishing at the beginning of the next turn. That'll also be handy if he's spawn and sneaking forward on the left

Turn 2: 20-30 secs

Blast. I don't know whether he's got inspired, but my sniper went down to the first two shots of the game, from another sniper. Must have been forced fire, as I actually walked into the first shot. On the positive side, I think he has 2 snipers, as another shot wings its' way in at the end.

Well, may as well keep to the plan - I was always going to be doing the damage with 'naders, so the loss of the sniper is irritating, but not fatal. There are a couple of my wall-breaker 'nades about to go off on the left, so I'll dodge them and launch through the holes. This'll have two effects - firstly, he'll think I'm standing back and spamming, and secondly, he won't want to come into that room on the left. With plenty of short-range firepower from the grunts, anyone in those rooms will be in trouble.

The grunt on the right will keep peeping through windows, but try to keep out of trouble

Score: 0-2

Turn 3: 30-40 secs

Hmmm. Not doing well with the grenades here. One wall-breaker completely failed to break the wall, and so the followup shots bounced a bit too close to my guys on the left, giving some splash damage. However, there is now a nice hole into the next building - but I saw a 'nade coming in at the end of turn on the left, so he has one 'nader stood at the door at the top.

So, the left-hand assault team will pull back for reload and repair - I'll drop one 'nade on the left of the map to punch an escape route
The right-hand assault team will steam on in, and drop a 'nade in the little lobby area on the left, at the start of the next turn - if his 'nader has a spotter, that's where I'd put him.
The rest of the assault team will cover the walls, as any wall-breaking commo would spoil the party

Score: 0-2

Turn 4: 40-50 secs

Everything went to plan, and still no contact. One bizarre thing though - a 'nade went off on the front of the far right-hand building. Since this is (presumably) blowing the front off, I assume his sniper over there is settling in for the game - and the feinting on the right may be paying off. It does mean that he has 2 'naders, alongside the 2 snipers - so with an assumed 2 medics and a base, that's 11 of the 15 accounted for

Forward on the left, and the 'nader can start hitting likely targets. I'll drop one in the final top-right room - enough to take out the wall, as part of the assault route - and then start chewing my way north, to where I think his base will be.

This is the riskiest move

Score: 0-2

Turn 5: 50-60 secs

Woo. There's a commo lurking, right behind the wall I was suspecting he might come through. My first grunt got through, and then a second grunt and medic got shot - the medic is barely alive. On the good side, the commo is looking ill, and I don't think he'll retreat, so I should be able to take him out - hopefully without loss. This does mean I'm facing (confirmed) 2 snipers, 2 grenadiers, 1 commo and (suspected) 1 base, 2 medics and 1 grunt. If I can take the commo, the 'naders should be able to cause carnage, especially since his second 'nader is still on the far right, destroying scenery

The front grunt will loiter on HOS, hoping to catch his 'nader out - as I don't think he saw the grunt go through. The 'nader will break through to his (presumed) base, and the others will pursue the commo, and back off after

Score: 0-3

Turn 6: 60-70 secs
Pah. The commo took another grunt before dying, and my retreating medic decided to run right in front of the 'nader, taking a point blank explosion. On the good side, his 'nader popped out right on schedule, and took some nice splash damage before being polished off by my grunt. Shame he got a shot off, taking the grunt out - he must have thought I was going via the door on the far left.

I've also exposed the base - exactly where I suspected - and so there are some more incoming 'nades via that route, especially since my second nader is coming back online.

His 'nade pattern shows pretty much where his second 'nader is - in the middle channel somewhere - so I'd better watch out for incoming next round

Despite being numerically behind, I feel I'm in a much better position now. I just need to trash his base, and then he hasn't got much to stop a second wave of assault.

I'll duck to the left with the main force, not stopping enough for a sniper to take me out, and send the lone grunt for a look round the corner to the right, where I saw his only grunt covering for the other 'nader

Score: 5-6

Turn 7: 70-80 secs

Looking better. The 'nades not only took the shine off his base, but also took out a medic that was (presumably) doing some spotting. Also, managed to predict the incoming pattern, and only took minor splash damage to my active 'nader (the damaged one was retreating for reload)

Less good is that the grunts had a face to face meeting - he's damaged, but I'm on last legs. My bloke will die next turn, but can hopefully get a shot off first.

One of his snipers is in a (basically) useless position at the top left - as there's no way he can hit a corner-dancing grunt at that range.

So, I'll duck right this time, away from the sniper, and drop a 'nade where my grunt on the right is - as he's gonna die anyway.

Score: 6-6

Turn 8: 80-90 secs

It was a lot closer with the grunt standoff than I expected - his grunt is down to about 2 health. The corner-dancing almost went wrong - I should have worked out the shot timing with a forced-fire sniper - but got away with it. And, irritatingly, neither 'nade shot this turn is going where I wanted it to - the first should have polished off his grunt, but went through a door instead, and the second should have nestled nicely behind the first of the two windows en-route to his base, but instead is coming back this way. Pah

One nice thing is that I spotted his other 'nader, and he's very near to death - those 'nades near his base must have caused pain. As his base is a bit rough, I don't think he'll risk anything reloading - so I can safely ignore the base for a bit.

I think he'll retreat and try to regroup - so I'll open up a new attack front by blowing away a wall on the right, and then drop a 'nade on his base

Score: 6-7

Turn 9: 90-100 secs.
Forced-fire sniper fire everywhere. He must be getting a bit desperate.
My lead grunt took a sniper shot, but got a few shots away in return - so his sniper # 2 is half-damaged, and I'm in a good position to pursue, so I think I can take him this turn.
Rather surprisingly, the badly damaged grunt showed up for a shot, and is about to get a 'nade in the face. He may be able to bounce it back, so I'll need to take cover.

Everything against the sniper out in the open - some corner-dancing then pursuit, with a bounced 'nade arriving at the end of the turn shoud do a treat. My other 'nader is arriving online, so he can cover the back, in case the sniper on the left charges

Score: 6-7

Turn 10: 100-110 secs

Took the sniper, but lost a grunt to splash damage from his 'nader - at least that locates him. On the plus side, he obviously tried to bounce my 'nade back, but it went wrong and took his grunt. That's helpful

He is now over on the right - the medic is healing up his 'nader, so I assume the sniper will hole up with him. I'll duck left, and finish off his base. His nader now has a max of 4 shots left, depending on reloads, so I can afford to hold back

Score: 9-8

Turn 11: 110-120 secs

3 shots left :-) I'm nowhere near his target zone. Return the empty 'nader for reload, and the other can hit the base to definitely kill it. In the mean time, my one remaining grunt needs a bit of TLC, so hide away from any nasty 'nades

Score 9-8

Turn 12: 120-130 secs

Those bases go up with a bang, you know. And his sniper was stood just too close - at least when combined with the other 'nades. He's firing 'nades blind, to where I was last turn. Max 2 shots left...

I'll loop round to the far left, and try to flank with my 'nader on ROS

Score: 11-8

Turn 13: 130-140 secs
Nothing going. My grunt is getting better, and the nader is getting into position.
A couple more seconds healing, and then the potent grunt-medic combination will make a move

Score: 11-8

Turn 14: 140-150 secs

And a comedy finish. I'd accidentally left the medic on HOS, so my grunt charges off leaving the two medics to exchange shots. Except his medic has only one shot left - so the game ends, with nmaguire having no ammo left.

Things to learn:
Plot retreat paths, and make sure they don't intersect with 'naders firing

Don't rely on pursue so much - plot corner-dancing for grunts

If you are pursuing, plot a safe place to retreat to afterwards

Pretend to be further back than you are by 'nading your own position (but try to take cover first!)


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