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The final turn....

Things are not good.

I ran my troops away, valiantly jigging the warper to avoid the expected hail of Sniper fire.

It wasn't the Warper that was the problem. The retreating sentry took a shot in the back in an area I thought was relatively safe. The score is now 20 - 21 to The Vimto Kid.

I have one last chance.

The retreating Warper saw that the left-hand sniper had advanced to take another shot at him. He is well within Warping distance and a shot at that range should finish him off. The question is, will he run away in order to save the lead, or will he press on closer in order to finish me off?

It all depends on where I place the final Warp, if I do it close and he runs, I lose. If I do it deep and he moves in I lose.

I think he's going to try to preserve the one point lead, so I'm placing it long. I'm jigging the path a little to try to catch him if he is retreating.

Let see what happens....


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