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New version soon!

I'm just putting the finishing touches to a new version of the LSN Web Interface Fixer.

It's a total rewrite, and so now works under the latest Greasemonkey version. (0.5.3 at time of writing)

Here are the features:-

// Features
// --------
// Hides the Win/Lose/Draw status of finished games to prevent spoiling
// a close final turn.
// Hides League Point changes of finished games on main screen
// Hides the sections of the game detail page that tell you the
// game result, final score and League Point changes.
// Allows you to view the last turn/wholegame for games in Waiting status.
// When issuing a direct Player Challenge, if you specify a map it will
// automatically select the radio button to play that map. Eliminates all
// those "I'm sure I picked a different map" moments.
// Allows you to deploy early on games while waiting for your opponent
// to deploy. Not tested fully


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