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Hunting time

I sent a lone sentry to the right-hand regen via teleport to see who is attacking and hopeful to deal a bit of damage back. I spotted a lone grunt attacking it and managed to get a few shots off . I gave my sentry orders to get out of there before the end of the turn. Guardian and Psycher combo are within reach so the next turn I sent a psych in to try to kill off the grunt.

I didn't succeed and lost the regen but at least the death explosion finished off the grunt. I do not know where the other units are although I caught a glimpse of the right-hand doors closing so I think they are heading round to the bottom right inside the corridor. I'm sending some psyches in to see what's about and also am sending my regened sentry with RoS set to get some intel. My Psycher and Warper combo are nicely placed for an attack next turn.


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