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Marines it is. I've set-up 4 grenadiers, 2 snipers, 5 grunts, 2 medics and an HQ. They're set up into three teams going initially three ways: a sniper, a grunt, a grenadier and a medic (or a grenadier element and a sniper element with the grunt switch into a medic) are trying to deploy the sniper into the northwestern building. Two grunts and two grenadiers (or two grenadier elements) will attempt to take control of the central building. Finally, a sniper, a grenadier and two grunts (or a sniper element and a grenadier element) will set the sniper up at the garden next to my deployment zone. This leaves one medic standing near the HQ waiting for something to do. Since I most often lose marine games due to my medics buying it and my other troops being near dead, I wish to keep at least one of them safe.

My first objective, besides advancing and taking control of some of the buildings, is finding out which race my opponent has deployed. If he is spawn, my force would be far too spread out deployed according to my initial plan. Otherwise it should be a fairly solid deployment.


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