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Well, that went wrong rather quickly. The southern drones avoided all my grenades by going through my building and the northern drones went east. These two packs of drones quickly overwhelmed the central building team and all that remains of them is a lone grenadier. Meanwhile, the garden team was eaten by buzzers. I somehow managed to not realize that buzzers can fly through holes in low walls. Only grunt left standing, and he is near dead. The northern team remains unscathed.

The garden grunt will retreat to a corridor of trees and will try to shoot anything coming his way. The lone grenadier left of the middle team will try and grenade himself, hopefully taking some foes with him, but it's likely he'll die before he can launch.

The unscathed northern team begins a desperate counterattack. The grenadies jogs to a better launch position and drops 'nades at potential drone positions. The sniper and the grunt cover him, while the medic watches their rear. The lone medic at the HQ will stick there for now.


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