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About to be eaten...

My men advanced as planned, and ran into bugs! There is a group of four buzzers and a group of four drones south-east of the central building, running towards my men in the garden. The drones are further away while the buzzers are about to make contact. Also, there are at least two, probably more, drones on the west side of the central building, supposedly advacing towards the northern building. Now I'm going to have to contract a bit.

The plans is this: the grenadier in the garden tries to land grenades on the path of the charging drones as the grunts gun down the buzzers. The sniper will try to get shots in the advancing drones as well as making sure I'm not surprised by anything coming from there. The grenadiers in and around the central building will also land grenades on the path of the drones while their grunts secure paths towards our position. The northern group shall grenade a suspected path of the drones thearening them while the sniper starts firing over the barrels.


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