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Not looking good

A few turns have passed since the last update, and things are looking bleak.

My two hunters in the bottom left got obliterated by running into aCommander and some supporting grunts. He also spotted a grenader getting healed in that area. I'm going to try to rumble a MT into a position to get a shot down that way.

The two hunters in the middle managed to polish off that grunt finally, and headed towards the enemy base to find it chockablock with troopers. I then struck upon the spiffing idea of using one to hold open the base doors while sending missiles through. That didnt pan out though as those hunters soon got wiped out.

My XT's have aslo been wiped out, so I'm left with a 9 point defecit, and only 3 MT's to attack with.

He is advancing a grunt up the centre, so I want to wipe him out. Thing is, I dont know which way he is going to go, and two of my MT's have only a single missile left.

Hmm, I;ve just struck upon a neat idea. The central room has a low hole in its facing wall... I wonder if I can Terrain Fire through there, and catch out any units hiding inside. Maybe even knock out the HQ qith enough shots. Its worth a try....


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