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First Blood!

The more observant amoung you will have noticed the exclamation mark in the title. Its a bit of a giveaway I suppose. Yes, the first blood was mine!

I'm not quite sure what happened between me sending my orders and the turn coming back, as most of what I had planned didnt actually happen.

I had hoped to shoot out the central doors, and then fire at all the occupents. Instead, my massed hunters decided to all fire at the Sniper that was lining up on my MT. Good job too really, as that gave me the Starter-For-Two.

I could see the missiles do a bit of damage to the Commander, 2 grunts and 2 grenades that saught refuge in the rear room. I have also spotted his commander trying to take out the wall of trees leading out of that back room to come out round the back of the corridor. He still has 2 trees to take down, so thats a minimum of 4 seconds to do it. I hope to have my AI laying in wait for him when he pops out. I'm moving the other XT's and hunter nearby into a formation that should be able to deal some damage if any of those troops head that way.

I'm spreading out the Hunters on the left . I want to move them over to the middle so that firstly I can keep tabs on whats going on at the bottom in case he has some units making a break, and also so I can rush them over into the right hand building should I need to help out with the commanders squadron. A few of the hunters are being sent to keep an eye on the left hand edge of the map


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