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All in one!

I had to finish off the games in a spurt of turns since my time was running rather low (As it was in Rads game)

This missile down the middle of the building was a great move, if only his AI hadnt lucked out and moved along a different path.... After that I want to retreat back and get some more missiles on board. I am very vulnerable with the AI and enemy XT's so close to me.

The firing line of XT's did a good job, inflicting damage on the AI pair as they rumbled towards my deployment zone. I would have prefered to have concentrated on a single enemy but I didnt get the chance. At the same time the MT was making progress back to my HQ, but a few XT's got picked off by the central AI.

The twinned AIs moved forward a little., but they were still in a great firing line for my massed XT's. Within a turn the health AI at the back was destroyed, and I hardly took any casualties. My MT was rearming, but the HQ was coming under a lot of fire. I want to try to missile the pair of AIs to help finish off the remainder, and then send one to the right to fend off the approaching XT's.

My MT is also very low on health as it was taking hits form the AI's. I managed to kill the second AI on the left, but my MT went up too. That leaft two badly wounded XT's standing next to a badly wounded HW. Before I had a chance to move them out of the way the HQ went up, finishing off that squad. That just left me with 2 XTs 3 Hunters and a Scanner.

The Scanner got popped as it was in the midst of the XTs at the top I could see two enemy XT's running for healing with a Scanner in tow so I thought I'd try to even the score a little by trying to finish them off. Unfortunately they led my troops right to the other AI, where , despite a valiant effort, they were all fried.

I think that trying to move the MT so far from base was a mistake. I didnt really capitalize on the firing angle I achieved, and by the time I could get back I was already overrun. However, agisnt a different load out it might have worked. The trouble with this map is that you have one single deployment zone so a MT is going to be fairly obviously placed. It was a gamble, but it didnt pay off this time.

View the whoelgame file here


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