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We have contact

...and plenty of it!

My scouting Scanner in the top right has uncovered an enemy scanner, 3 XT's and a hunter. I think I'm going to retreat that scanner ans use it as a doorstop to hold open the doiuble doorway. Then I'm going to fill the room with missile fire.

In the bottom left I've encountered an AI and 3 XT;s while the middle has turned up another scanner and two more XT's. I've not got very good visual coverage of that area so there could well be more lurking.

That still leaves 8 points unaccounted for.

I just noticed I forgot to move my AI last turn, so I'm going to move it over to give the MT and scanner a bit of support. I dont want the Scanner to get picked off leaving me blind on that side of the map....

I'm advancing down the middle, although a suprise overwhelment is out of the question since his scanner has seen all my troops. I'm also going to shoot out the doorway in the building containing his AI so that he may walk into a bit of a crossfire. The XT's already in the lower lkeft room are taking shelter behind a few low crates and opfiring towards the enemy.

This could get messy.


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