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Whoa, sign that Guardian up for the Aliens United Football Club. Wonderful save! He pushed the Goo ball far enough away to stop my chaps from getting stuck down. They are now clearing out of the area by moving up behind the trees, getting closer to the spikers. The thing is, I have absolutely no intel. No idea what's around me at all, so I need to get closer to see more.

If I stay where I am I'm definitely dead as I wont be able to react quick enough to any incoming enemies.

If I move upwards I'm probably dead, as I'm likely to get shot by that blasted spiker again.

I'll take 'probably' over 'definitely' though.

He withdrew the Goo Spitter, which means he must have a queen up there to recycle it with. I'm sending a last second warp up towards the area with the doorway, which is roughly where the Spitter was heading to, and would make a good spot for a queen to be resting.


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