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Points ahoy!

I've played Milarky a few times before and its always been a fun game. He is a profilic mapmaker, and lives by the rule of always losing on his own maps.

I'm not sure if Barracks is one of this, though I hope it is.

This game starts off with me standing to win 7 points, lose 13 or lose 3 for a draw. I'd better concentrate on this map.

Its a 20 FP game, with me deploying on the green side. That gives me a nice bunker to hole up in in the top right.

I think I'll take Greys on this map, as a regen in both locations gives a lot of mobility, and Warpers will cause a lot of problems.

I've gone with 3 sentries, 2 warpers, 2 psychers 1 guardian and 2 regens. The regen area in the left is a bit tight, so I want to use the Guardian to open the walls up a bit first.

I'd like to strike towards his bunker, see whats in there and then teleport out to strike at the other deployment zone also.

Most plans dont stand up to meeting your enemy, so lets see what happens with this one...


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