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Game over

Well, since this is the game over message, you've probably guessed which way it went.

I was running my warper away to allow it to regen some energy, but a couple of shots in the back ended its warping career.

What kind of monster would shot a defenceless alien in the back? Twice....

The kind that wins Specialist League games I guess!

If watching this game teaches you nothing else, it should at least teach you to never give up, no matter how bad your situation. You always have the chance that your opponent will do something mind-bogglingly stupid.

Final Score 22 : 25

View the wholegame here



But for that errant Warp!

Was it the recovery time of the psyker's shot? Or just that you didn't hit "test orders" that one last time?

Ever figure out what happened?

What a bummer. I hate it when that happens! =)

Oh, I did Test Orders a number of times.......

I'll have another look at the game to see if I can remember exactly what went wrong. I think that my psycher took a hit, dropping his energy so he wasn't able to make an attack that I had planned.

That meant he then proceeded onto his movement order, running right in front of the warper.

I'd like to say it'll never happen again, but I'm sure it will.....

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