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My Queen is well and truly gooed up! I'm firing back at the enemy Queen position through the slit in the metal wall, hoping to get them to stick for as long as I do. My Spitter lacks the angle to get them over the all, so I'm having to get through the slit..... tricky.

We've traded a few units , leaving me with a badly injured Goo Spitter, a buzzer, a Spiker and of course my Queen.

At the beginning of the turn the score was 8-9, now it is 11-13, so I'm slowly losing the battle. I need to get my Queen heavily involved, but thats bit tricky when she is stuck to the floor.

I'm sending the buzzer to see what the enemy Queen is up to, and hopefully to eat any eggs she may have laid. Also, I might be able to finish off the nasty Goo Spitter that has been plaguing me!


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