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Going well

I've found one HQ in the top right, and due my a few good Psyches I can only assume that there is one in the bottom right corner too. The grenaders seem to be going that way along with his medics that I can spot.

My lone sentry say a healed grunt (so it must be a different one from last turn) and a Commander. That means that there is also the damaged grunt and the medic down there, totalling 6 points.

I can currently see 1 grenader and two medics in the bottom right. I saw a different grenader go that way earlier, and there must be a HQ there somewqhere. That totals 7 points

In the top right I can see agrunt and the HQ, 2 points taking the total I know about to 15. I've killed 6 points already which leaves 4 points I do not know about in this 25 FP game.

I'm sending my depleted warper back to regen along with the Guardian. The full warper is trading places, and moving on in towards my forwards Psycher. My other units are also making their way down there, trying to take care of the grunt up the top in the process.

I'd like to send as many warps over as I can, run back to regen and then make an approach under the cover of the guardian sending as many warps as I can into that corner deployment zone.

The team with the commander in the lower left corner wories me a little as they could easily approach my centre position and cause some problems. They cant get there this turn, but I need to think abou tthat next time round. Some info on that side of the map would be good.


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