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Getting stuck in

My plan to trap the incoming Splatters worked ok. The first one got stuck in the goo, and my spikers took a few shots at it. Unfortunately the Drone took a bit also and has finished it off. Test orders show that the blast destroys the corpse of the Drone I had just killed for recycling. How annoying!

There is another incoming splatter, but the surviving Drone and spikers should sort it.

The middle area is getting a bit messy. I'm moving the queen on in that direction as next turn the floor is free for me to eat the corpses. I'm also gooing the other side of the middle area to prevent his queen from getting that way. Thats where a lot of the corpses are, so I want to deny him access. His Queen is in the same room that mine was waiting in, so its going to be a race to the corpses.


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