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Its all going a bit wrong......

A sniper took out the XT I was healing, making that last turn a complete waste. I have troops approaching from all sides (1 of which took out the Hunter I had sent out on its flanking mission.

So, I'm left with my AI, a hunter and my scanner.... Current score 4 - 8

I'm going to pop the scanner out of cover, hoping to get a look up towards where the sniper is hiding. Hopefully it will trigger some Halt On Sighting orders too....

I dont think he has seen where my hunter advanced to (right near his approaching grunt and Genader) so I'm going to run it out past the grunt so that I can hopefully get behind the grenader to score some points.

My AI is finally advancing out, with lots of Red Line orders on the Commander, Grenader and Grunt so it should fire at whatever it can see. I really want to get it to move over to the right a little once its cleared the doorway, as it will be in the firing line for the Commander and the Sniper. Nasty.

Oh well, lets see how that goes.....


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