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On the up

My retreating saucer at the top managed to discover a hunter trying to sneak round the top of the map to get to my deployment zone. I shot it in the back while it was struggling with a doorway. I also managed to psyche the hunter i saw at the end of the last turn, which headed directly for the same saucer. It had no idea what hit it.

On the other side of the map a psyched hunter showed me that his scanner was moving into one of the central rooms.

My saucer in that area also took a few shots at the MT, which is being guarded by 2 XT's as far as I can tell.

I'm going to move the top suacer back out to take a few shots at the XT's and AI up in that area. I'll probably have to withdraw it next turn as its likely to take a bit of a beating if they have advanced on in. I'm going to move my Warper up into that area a little to help out with clearing up the XT's in that area. Hopefully it'll be able to make a dent in the AI too.


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